Miyata, 1999 – Kitasato University, Tokyo, Japan
Purpose of the study: Corneal trauma
The work of Prof. Miyata (Japan) in man and animal on the effects of electromagnetic fields on the eye and on the sight, showed that the ocular disturbances of the screen users and that some ocular pathologies are partly related to the fields Of these devices, and not exclusively to the brightness or contrast.
Indeed, screen filters do not protect the eye and the view against electromagnetic radiation, even if they provide visual comfort (flickering, brightness).
The present study highlights the appearance of micro-ulceration of the cornea after As soon 4 hours of video games on a continuous TV screen (subject to 1.20 meter of screen)
The presence of the clearing oscillator (CMO) allows a decrease of 50% of the micro-ulceration of the cornea.
Potential risks:
o Micro-ulcerations and corneal infection (keratitis)
Graphic results: